Thursday 11 September 2014

When my English teacher first mentioned that we had to write about ourselves, I think I felt the same as the majority of my class. Multiple thoughts circulated my mind as I wondered helplessly what was I going to right about? As a teenager you go through a lot of mixed emotions especially worrying about appearance, involving yourself in embarrassing situations, how we are perceived and especially attracting attention and talking to others about ourselves.

Writing or talking about myself is something I've always found particularly challenging, I'm not the type to big myself up about anything and am constantly putting myself down. I'm extremely indecisive and appreciate continuous guidance in the right direction which I suppose sums up some of my personality. People often describe me as a 'right worrywart' which is very true because I've most probably spent over 50% of my life worrying about pointless things and situations that come to nothing.

So I felt like writing about a past experience that was very special to me. In 2012, I was in year 10 at my secondary school, The Grange School and Sports College. At school, as it was a sports college I was selected as gifted and talented in sport by my PE teachers and school sport coach. This meant I was given the opportunity to go to Norway and live with a family for 5 days. During the 5 days we took part in a commenius project where we went to a Norwegian school and also took part in a big event called the Kjeringi Open.

It was the morning of April the 5th at 5am. Me, my friends Ellie, Liam and Nick, along with two teachers: Mr Allister and Mrs Wilson all queued at the check in desk ready to make our way to Norway. We all knew it was going to be an extremely long day of travelling ahead having to catch three planes. As we arrived in Amsterdam our flight number was called, stranded at one end of the airport we needed to run to the opposite end in order to catch our plane on time. Luckily we boarded the plane however, unfortunately our luggage didn't. From Amsterdam to Oslo and Oslo to Leikanger we finally arrived at our destination... with no clothes. I was staying with identical twins, Ida and Ana, and by the time I left I still had no idea which one was which.

Finally receiving my luggage two days later and after attending the Norwegian schools and meeting loads of lovely new people it was time to compete in the Kjeringi Open. This is a downhill race which takes place in Leikanger every year and I had the privilege to be able to run in it. The race was tough and 5 miles downhill was a trek however finishing 21st wasn't too bad.

Despite staying with a family I had never met before was very scary I loved every minute of my time in Norway and I would absolutely love to be able to do it all over again.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Ellie, a nice combination of the autobiographic/travel writing style here. Lots of detail creates so nice imagery and you've captured the travel writing style well with the addition of your thoughts, feelings and personal experience. To improve on this for future writing, I'd suggest focusing on one aspect of the trip, perhaps your experience in the airport, to allow yourself to get into more detail and experiment a bit more with discourse structure and lexis, but that is just advice for future improvement. For a first piece I think this is good, so well done, and keep up the good work!
