Saturday 13 September 2014

Tavel Writing Analysis

Language Frame Works of Charlotte Hobson's Travel Writing

Charlotte Hobson's travel writing by the name of Black Earth City contains lots of subject specific lexis related to travelling such as hostel, room, train, tram and luggage. Subject specific lexis can encourage an audience who enjoy reading about specific subjects be it sport, computer gaming or travelling etc. Charlotte's piece of writing automatically becomes interesting to an audience who enjoy reading about the genre of travelling. Charlotte includes subject specific lexis by using a range of sentences in her travel writing mainly including complex sentences. She has used complex sentencing in her writing to emphasise the cramped room in which she stayed in Russia, it portrays a strong image of the place.

Charlotte has also included phonology in her travel writing, she uses onomatopoeia such as juddering, chugged, crackled and buzzed to give a real sense of emphasis and enhances the reader or listeners imagination to all the different noises constantly surrounding her. Charlotte has also used sibilance 'the stink of the rust-coloured paint that had been splashed all over the ceiling and grimy lino floor rose up to meet us, along with a stale, sweaty smell.' The repetition of the sounds S slows the reader down and creates a vivid imagery, setting the scene.

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